Work Pass Application service

Singapore’s labour market has a high ratio of foreign workers that is also one of the uniqueness of Singapore vibrant and versatile culture. It is extremely rare to come across a company without any non-Singaporean workers. Hiring foreign professionals have become one of the common hiring practices in Singapore.

Work Pass Application service

Singapore’s labour market has a high ratio of foreign workers that is also one of the uniqueness of Singapore vibrant and versatile culture. It is extremely rare to come across a company without any non-Singaporean workers. Hiring foreign professionals have become one of the common hiring practices in Singapore.

What is Work Pass Application Service?

With Work Pass Application Service, EPS assists our clients in processing your foreign workers’ visa applications, which save you the time and avoid unnecessary minor errors made in the visa application.

Which visa EPS can support?

EPS provides visa application service to all kinds of work permit, and here below are the types of work permit that are commonly applied,

For foreign professionals, managers and executives. Candidates need to earn at least $3,600 a month and have acceptable qualifications.

For mid-level skilled staff. Candidates need to earn at least $2,400 a month and meet the assessment criteria.

For semi-skilled foreign workers in the construction, manufacturing, marine shipyard, process or services sector.

For eligible spouses or children of EP holders who hold a Dependant’s Pass, or an LTVP/LTVP+ issued by ICA. The LOC allows the holder to work in Singapore. The employer must apply for the LOC.

For semi-skilled foreign trainees or students undergoing practical training in Singapore for up to 6 months.

For foreign professionals undergoing practical training. Candidates must earn at least $3,000 a month.

For parents, common-law spouses, step-children or handicapped children of eligible Employment Pass or S Pass holders.

For students and graduates aged 18 to 25 who want to work and holiday in Singapore for 6 months.

If you do not have enough foreign visa quotas?

If your company does not have enough foreign visa quota or your company’s foreign worker’s ratio is not in a healthy range, then you may face difficulty hiring non-Singaporean staff. EPS provides separate services called Contract Staffing and Staff Parking services, which have become strategical employment methods to hire foreign professionals in Singapore.